Diabetic Foot CareDiabetic Neuropathypodiatry

Proper foot care is extremely important for individuals with diabetes. It’s even more critical during the summer months. The warm weather often encourages more outdoor activities, which can put extra stress on the feet. Additionally, the combination of heat, humidity, and increased exposure to the elements can increase the risk of foot complications. This guide provides essential tips for individuals with diabetes to maintain their foot health and stay active during the summer months and alert them as to when to go to a podiatry in Los Angeles.

Understanding the Importance of Foot Care for Diabetics

Diabetes can lead to several foot-related complications due to poor blood circulation and nerve damage (neuropathy). These issues can result in reduced sensations in the feet, making it harder to detect injuries. Furthermore, impaired healing and increased risk of infection can complicate even minor foot issues.

Common Foot Problems for Diabetics

  1. Neuropathy: Reduced sensation in the feet, which can make it difficult to feel blisters, cuts, or sores.
  2. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Reduced blood flow to the extremities, making it harder for wounds to heal.
  3. Foot Ulcers: Open sores that can become infected and lead to more severe complications if not treated promptly.
  4. Calluses and Corns: Thickened skin areas that can cause discomfort and potentially lead to ulcers if not properly managed.
  5. Infections: Increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections, including athlete’s foot and toenail fungus.

It’s essential for individuals experiencing these conditions to go to a podiatry in Los Angeles for treatment to prevent complications and additional health impairments.

Essential Summer Foot Care Tips

To prevent foot problems and stay active during the summer, individuals with diabetes should follow these essential foot care practices recommended by our podiatry in Los Angeles:

  1. Keep Feet Clean and Dry

Wash your feet every day with lukewarm water and mild soap. Avoid soaking your feet for long periods, as this can dry out the skin. After washing, dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, to prevent fungal infections. Apply a moisturizing lotion to the tops and bottoms of your feet, but avoid the areas between the toes to prevent fungal growth.

  1. Inspect Your Feet Regularly

Inspect your feet daily for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or any changes. Use a mirror or ask someone for help if you have difficulty seeing the bottoms of your feet. If you notice any unusual signs or injuries that do not heal quickly, contact your podiatrist immediately.

  1. Choose the Right Footwear

Wear shoes that fit well, provide adequate support, and protect your feet from injuries. Avoid walking barefoot, even at home or on the beach. Choose shoes made from breathable materials to keep your feet cool and dry. Wear water shoes or sandals in public areas like pools or beaches to avoid cuts, scrapes, and infections.

  1. Manage Sweating and Moisture

Wear moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and reduce the risk of fungal infections. Change your socks if they become damp from sweat or water. Use foot powders or antiperspirants to help control sweating and moisture.

  1. Protect Your Feet from the Sun

Apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet to prevent sunburn, especially if you wear sandals or open-toed shoes. Keep your feet in the shade and covered to protect them from direct sun exposure.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps maintain healthy skin and reduces the risk of dry, cracked feet. Limit exposure to excessive heat, which can cause swelling and discomfort in the feet.

Staying Active Safely

Staying active is important for managing diabetes, but it’s essential to do so safely to protect your feet.

  1. Choose Low-Impact Activities

Swimming is a great, low-impact exercise that is easy on the feet and provides cardiovascular benefits. Walking on soft surfaces, such as grass or sand, can reduce stress on the feet. Wear supportive shoes and avoid walking barefoot. Cycling is another low-impact activity that reduces pressure on the feet while providing good exercise.

  1. Take Precautions During Exercise

Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward to prevent injuries. Check your feet before and after exercise for any signs of blisters, cuts, or other issues. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise to stay hydrated and maintain healthy skin.

  1. Be Cautious with Outdoor Activities

Be cautious of hot pavement, sand, or other surfaces that can burn your feet. Always wear shoes that provide good support and protection when engaging in outdoor activities. If you notice any swelling or discomfort in your feet, rest and elevate them to reduce inflammation.

Seeking Professional Care From a Podiatry In Los Angeles

Regular check-ups with a board-certified podiatrist is crucial for managing diabetes and maintaining foot health.

  1. Routine Foot Exams

Schedule regular visits with a podiatrist to monitor your foot health and address any issues early. Work with your diabetes specialist to control your blood sugar levels, which can help prevent foot complications.

  1. Addressing Foot Issues Promptly

Go to a podiatry in Los Angeles for immediate care for foot injuries, infections, or skin color or temperature changes. If you develop a foot ulcer or wound, follow your podiatrist’s instructions carefully to promote healing and prevent infection.


Summer presents unique challenges and opportunities for diabetics regarding foot care. By following these tips and staying proactive about foot health, diabetics can enjoy the season while minimizing the risk of complications. 

Remember to keep your feet clean, dry, and protected, choose appropriate footwear, and stay active safely. Schedule regular check-ups with your podiatry in Los Angeles to address any issues early and maintain optimal foot health. You can keep your feet healthy and stay active throughout the summer with the right precautions.

Contact LA Foot Laser today to schedule an appointment!

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